We bring


to life

We bring


to life

Join us to discover the endless possibilities you can create for yourself and those around you.

Transforming Tomorrow Together

A good life looks different for everyone, but almost all of us want a happy and fulfilling life. The ability to choose is the key to unlocking the dream life, and we are on a mission to help you and your clients do just that—attaining the freedom to design the life you want through holistic life planning.

Why Join SCollective

Build a business from scratch with zero capital

Gain financial literacy & receive 1-on-1 coaching

Make a lasting impact on others & yourself

Soaring with


With 16 years of experience in the financial services industry, Stacey Lwin is the Branch Director of SCollective. Her love for people is what keeps her going every day. With an insatiable hunger to make an impact, Stacey strives to add value to anyone that walks into her life, and to spread positivity to the world. Every family, life, and story matters to her.

Share your dream life with us and let’s make it happen